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PPFDC 2018 Tags Available!
2018 PPFDC tags are $25 each. Please use the Printable Membership Form to provide your personal info. If you would like to pay using PayPal, fill out the form below.
PDGA Affiliate Club
Use code 16PIKESME4AFF for $5 off your PDGA membership
League Play
Sundays at 10:00am
Aviary Singles (tag match)
$1-5 ace pool
Tuesday at 4:30pm
Aviary random draw doubles
Wednesday at 4:30pm
Widefield Singles/Doubles
Friday at 4:45pm
Rampart Singles (tag match)
Saturday at 10am
Widefield Singles (tag match)
Sign up on for tags/doubles
Members may post additional league times with short notice. Check the club Facebook group regularly to see if any additional times are posted.
COMPLETED: 2015 Aviary PDGA Sanctioned League
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