Revision 2013A
Article I
Name and Definition
The name of the organization shall be Pike’s Peak Flying Disc Club (referred to in this
constitution as “PPFDC”). The Pike’s Peak Flying Disc Club may establish such acronyms or
abbreviations as may be appropriate for business use, and may establish logos, service marks,
or trademarks as may be appropriate to further its purposes, mission recognition and goals.
Pike’s Peak Flying Disc Club (PPFDC) is a non-profit player’s organization.
Article II
PPFDC is an organization dedicated to the advancement of flying disc sports in the Pike’s
Peak region. Among the major functions of the club are:
a. Promotion of Communications in the Pike’s Peak Flying Disc Community
b. Course Maintenance & Improvements
c. Running of Leagues and Tournaments
d. New Course Approvals and Development
e. Fund Raising/Merchandise
Article III
Article 3, Section 1. Categories
PPFDC shall have individual and organizational membership categories as follows:
a. Individual Membership Categories –
1. General members. General members are those individuals who register annually as
2. Life members. Life members are those individuals who register as life members
and who pay to PPFDC a life membership fee. Life members will be granted all
General membership privileges for every year they are alive while the PPFDC is in
b. Organizational Membership Categories –
1. Contributing Organization members. Contributing Organization members are
those organizations that register as contributing organizations and which conduct
programs or activities that further the sport of Disc Golf in the Pikes Peak region.
Article 3, Section 2. Voting
Individuals belonging to the following PPFDC membership categories shall be entitled to vote
in an election for directors of the Board: General members, Life members. An individual
member shall meet at least one of the following requirements in order to vote in a PPFDC
a. Be at least sixteen (16) years of age
b. Have played in a PDGA or PPFDC sanctioned tournament within the last calendar
year and be at least twelve (12) years of age
c. Be a current PDGA member
Notwithstanding these restrictions on voting, membership in the PPFDC is open to
individuals who are less than twelve (12) years of age. An individual shall be a member of
the PPFDC seven (7) days prior to the date of the election in order to be eligible to vote in that
Article 3, Section 3. Membership Requirements and Dues
Membership in the PPFDC is a privilege and requires certain obligations and duties. The
Board of Directors may establish such membership requirements and dues as the Board shall
deem necessary or appropriate. Further, the Board may establish such rules and procedures
for the manner and method of payment of dues, the collection of delinquent dues and the
proration or refund of dues, as the Board shall deem necessary or appropriate. No privilege of
membership shall be available until all membership requirements are satisfied and all dues are
paid in full.
Article 3, Section 4. Non-discrimination
The PPFDC shall allow membership without discrimination on the basis of race, color,
religion, age, gender, or national origin.
Article 3, Section 5. Suspension and Termination of Membership
The membership of any member may be terminated by a majority vote of the Board of
Directors. A member shall have the right to a hearing with a committee of three board
members, chaired by the PPFDC President, prior to termination.
Article IV
Article 4, Section 1. Eligibility & Elections
Eligibility to be an officer of PPFDC requires an individual to have PPFDC voting privileges.
The officers will be elected at the yearly general membership meeting. A member may not
hold two officer positions at the same time. Nominees for officer positions must submit a
letter of intent for their position of interest to the PPFDC Webmaster a minimum of ten (10)
calendar days prior to the yearly general membership meeting. The Webmaster will post all
the nominees on the website as he/she receives them and set up a voting page. Officers will
be elected by a majority vote of the membership. Votes can either be made in person at the
yearly general membership meeting, or may be cast online at the PPFDC website (Website
voting will close at midnight the day prior to the yearly general membership meeting).
Article 4, Section 2. President
The President’s duties include organizing meetings and cross-committee coordination. The
President also is responsible for ensuring that the organization moves forward and meets goals
and schedules. He/she will establish a consensus on goals and priorities and ensure that
resources are assigned to work those issues/projects that do not fall under a committee.
He/she will monitor the progress of the committees and help provide resources for the
committees. The President can appoint a committee chairperson for special projects that
come up after the yearly general membership meeting. The President can appoint an officer
or committee chairperson in the event of a resignation. The term for two years is to be voted
on every even year.
Article 4, Section 3. Treasurer
The Treasurer is responsible for managing the club’s finances, an annual report at the yearly
general membership meeting, maintenance of the club’s membership database and issuing
membership tags, as well as other responsibilities as assigned by the President. The term for
two years is to be voted on every odd year.
Article 4, Section 4. Secretary
The Secretary is responsible for the meeting minutes and agenda, updating the PPFDC
Constitution, collecting absentee election votes for the yearly general membership meeting,
and facilitating the orderly conduct of PPFDC meetings. The Secretary is also the PPFDC
Tagmaster and is responsible for any other duties assigned by the President. The term for two
years is to be voted on every even year.
Article 4, Section 5. Webmaster
The Webmaster is responsible for updating the PPFDC website and other responsibilities as
assigned by the President. The term for two years is to be voted on every odd year.
Article 4, Section 6. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of the officers and committee chairpersons. For major
decisions and policies, or expenditure approvals, the President will call for a vote of the
Executive Committee. A majority is required for approvals. In the case of a tie, the
President’s vote will break the tie.
Article V
Article 5, Section 1. Eligibility
Any active (dues paid) member is eligible to become a committee chairperson. The
committee chairpersons will be elected at the yearly general membership meeting.
Article 5, Section 2. Chairpersons
The committee chairperson/co-chairpersons should draw on the committee membership for
help with the mission of that committee. The chairperson will develop a consensus among the
committee members for any significant issues/projects. The chairperson is responsible for
periodical reporting of volunteer labor hours to the parks and the PPFDC president.
Committee Chairs will be selected by the members of the committee to represent that
committee. There is not minimum or maximum time an individual can serve as a committee
Article 5, Section 3. Annual Committees
a. Widefield Course
b. Cottonwood Course
c. Sakuna Pines Course
d. New Course Development
e. Special Projects, as required
Article VI
Section 1. The yearly meeting will be schedule each summer. Each officer and committee
chairperson will give a report of the accomplishments/issues of the past year and anticipated
issues/projects for the coming year. Each office and committee chairmanship is subject to a
vote at the yearly meeting. Any active member present at the meeting can vote.
Article VII
Amendment of the Constitution
Section 1. This constitution may be amended, repealed, or altered, in whole or in part, and a
new constitution may be adopted, by a majority of members at any meeting duly called and at
which a majority of members is present, or by electronic vote on the PPFDC website.